
Twelve reasons to visit Stroud Farmers' Market

Twelve reasons to visit Stroud Farmers' Market

Stroud's weekly farmers' market is home to around 50 stalls & widely acknowledged as being one of the busiest and best in the UK. Here are twelve reasons why you should plan a visit:
  1. It’s trailblazing. There are more than 1,000 farmers’ markets in the UK, and Stroud was one of the first, being founded back in 1999. 

Independent, local & officially the best place to live in the UK - welcome to Stroud

Independent, local & officially the best place to live in the UK - welcome to Stroud

Everyone in Stroud knows it, and now it's official - the place we call home is the best place to live in the UK according to the Sunday Times. We k...

Free local delivery - negotiating fields, stiles and streams

Free local delivery - negotiating fields, stiles and streams

Randwick people are a very clean lot it seems - I've been delivering soaps, bath soaks and gift sets to customers in the village non-stop since the...

Visit us at Stroud Farmers' Market on the 4th Saturday of every month

Visit us at Stroud Farmers' Market on the 4th Saturday of every month

We're celebrating here at Soapy HQ because we've managed to secure a monthly stall at one of the UK's busiest and most award-winning farmers' marke...